Sensate Focus Sex Therapy Exercises Technique To Try

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Sex therapy has been a popular method for couples who are looking to improve their intimacy and sexual experiences. One technique that has gained popularity in recent years is Sensate Focus Sex Therapy. This technique focuses on increasing intimacy and communication between partners through a series of exercises designed to enhance physical and emotional connection.

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What Is Sensate Focus Sex Therapy?

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Sensate Focus Sex Therapy is a form of therapy that was developed by Masters and Johnson in the 1970s. It is based on the principle that by focusing on touch and physical sensations, couples can reduce performance anxiety and increase intimacy. The therapy is typically conducted in a series of structured exercises that gradually increase in intensity.

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The exercises are designed to help couples become more in tune with each other's bodies and emotions, and to help them learn to communicate more effectively about their sexual needs and desires.

The Sensate Focus Sex Therapy Exercises

The Sensate Focus Sex Therapy exercises are typically divided into three phases. The first phase involves non-genital touching, where partners take turns exploring each other's bodies without focusing on sexual arousal. This phase is designed to help couples become more comfortable with physical touch and to increase their awareness of their partner's body.

The second phase involves genital touching, where partners take turns exploring each other's genitals without the goal of sexual arousal. This phase is designed to help couples become more comfortable with sexual touch and to increase their awareness of their partner's sexual responses.

The third phase involves mutual pleasuring, where partners take turns giving and receiving sexual pleasure. This phase is designed to help couples become more comfortable with sexual intimacy and to increase their awareness of their partner's sexual needs and desires.

The Benefits of Sensate Focus Sex Therapy

Sensate Focus Sex Therapy has been shown to have a number of benefits for couples. By focusing on touch and physical sensations, couples can reduce performance anxiety and increase intimacy. The therapy can also help couples become more in tune with each other's bodies and emotions, and can help them learn to communicate more effectively about their sexual needs and desires.

In addition, Sensate Focus Sex Therapy can help couples overcome sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, by reducing anxiety and increasing arousal. The therapy can also help couples who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship, such as a lack of intimacy or communication, by increasing their emotional connection and understanding of each other's needs.

How to Try Sensate Focus Sex Therapy

If you and your partner are interested in trying Sensate Focus Sex Therapy, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it's important to approach the therapy with an open mind and a willingness to communicate openly with your partner. It's also important to set aside time for the exercises and to create a comfortable and relaxed environment.

You may also want to consider seeking the guidance of a qualified sex therapist who can help you navigate the exercises and provide support and guidance. A therapist can also help you and your partner work through any emotional or psychological barriers that may be hindering your intimacy.

In conclusion, Sensate Focus Sex Therapy is a valuable tool for couples who are looking to improve their intimacy and sexual experiences. By focusing on touch and physical sensations, couples can reduce performance anxiety and increase intimacy, as well as become more in tune with each other's bodies and emotions. If you and your partner are interested in trying Sensate Focus Sex Therapy, it's important to approach the therapy with an open mind, create a comfortable environment, and seek the guidance of a qualified sex therapist.